Sains Malaysiana 52(9)(2023): 2485-2498


Systemic Histology of the Marine Water-Strider Halobates hayanus (Heteroptera, Gerridae)

(Histologi Sistemik Water-Strider Marin Halobates hayanus (Heteroptera, Gerridae))




1Division of Biological Sciences, Faculty of Science, Prince of Songkla University, Songkhla 90110, Thailand

2Department of Marine Science and Environment, Faculty of Science and Fisheries Technology, Rajamangala University of Technology Srivijaya, Trang Campus, Trang 92150, Thailand

3Department of General Education, Faculty of Science and Health Technology, Navamindradhiraj University, Bangkok 10300, Thailand

4Department of Anatomy, Faculty of Medical Science, Naresuan University, Phitsanulok 65000, Thailand

5Innovation and Management Division (Pest Management), Faculty of Natural Resources, Prince of Songkla University, Songkhla 90110, Thailand

6Department of Entomology, Faculty of Argriculture, Kasetsart University, Chatuchak, Bangkok 10900, Thailand

7Department of Biology, Faculty of Science, Naresuan University, Phitsanulok 65000, Thailand

8Department of Entomology and Plant Pathology, Faculty of Agriculture, Chiang Mai University, Chiang Mai 50200, Thailand 

9Division of Health and Applied Sciences, Faculty of Science, Prince of Songkla University, Songkhla 90110, Thailand


Diserahkan: 4 Januari 2023/Diterima: 10 Ogos 2023



The structure and cell types of the organs of Halobates hayanus from Libong Island, Thailand, were investigated using a histological method. The integumentary system of this species consists of three layers: epicuticle, exocuticle, and endocuticle. Throughout the body, the muscular system exclusively included skeletal muscle. In the excretory system, we found four fully formed Malpighian tubules, each one lined with a straightforward cuboidal epithelium harbouring secretory granules. The digestive system comprised a foregut, midgut, and hindgut. The midgut had three distinct cell types: basal cells, epithelium, and absorptive cells. The nervous system comprised two regions: A ventral nerve cord and a frontal ganglion, which is connected to the eye structure. The frontal ganglion was composed of two lobes each containing an outer cortex and inner medulla. The outer cortex presented neurosecretory cells, neuroglia cells, and neurons. The neurosecretory cells were large and contained secretory granules in their cytoplasm. This histological study also showed the reproductive system of this gerrid species, including the reproductive tract, and the accessory organ.


Keywords: Histological structure; Libong Island; oceanic Halobates species; systemic organs



Struktur dan jenis sel organ Halobates hayanus dari Pulau Libong, Thailand, dikaji menggunakan kaedah histologi. Sistem integumen spesies ini terdiri daripada tiga lapisan: epikutikel, eksokutikel dan endokutikel. Pada seluruh badan, sistem otot secara eksklusif merangkumi otot rangka. Dalam sistem perkumuhan, kami menjumpai empat tubul Malpighian yang telah terbentuk sepenuhnya, setiap satu dilapisi dengan epitelium kuboid lurus yang menyimpan butiran rembesan. Sistem pencernaan terdiri daripada usus depan, usus tengah dan usus belakang. Usus tengah mempunyai tiga jenis sel yang berbeza: sel basal, epitelium dan sel penyerap. Sistem saraf terdiri daripada dua kawasan: kord saraf ventral dan ganglion frontal, yang bersambung dengan struktur mata. Ganglion frontal terdiri daripada dua lobus setiap satu mengandungi korteks luar dan medula dalam. Korteks luar membentangkan sel neurorembesan, sel neuroglia dan neuron. Sel neurorembesan adalah besar dan mengandungi butiran rembesan dalam sitoplasmanya. Kajian histologi ini juga mendedahkan sistem pembiakan spesies gerrid ini, termasuk saluran pembiakan dan organ aksesori.


Kata kunci: Organ sistemik; Pulau Libong; spesies Halobates lautan; struktur histologi



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